My Craft Room

28 Sep

So I have been working in my craft room and it kept getting messier and messier! So my wonderful hubby told me it was time to go to Ikea and pick up some shelving. I found this great modular system called Besta. I plan on adding a few more implements to it like drawers on the bottom and some cabinets on a few sections to baby proof it. For now…it is perfect!

This is the new cabinet and it is already filled! I do have room for another section of it if I want to get rid of my dresser and the sewing machine but I kinda like having it out and available.

The cabinet has adjustable shelving so I was able to make it big enough to hold my project boxes (the top left section). My ribbon is wrapped on doll clothes pins and in clear jars. I separated the jars by manufacturers. The metal bins are from Ikea too (less than $7 for a set) has my extra ribbon, my blank cards and my blank tags.

I plan on covering the magazine holders with paper soon to match my room! The metal file bin holds all my scraps by color. The bottom baskets I want to replace but I don’t have an idea of what I want to put there.

By the way…that sewing machine was bought by my mom when she was pregnant with me! How cool is that!

This is my work section of my craft room. I love my view! Occasionally I have the random animal walk by – Guinea Hen, Dog, Goat!

This is the other side of my craft room. You can see Jack decided to sneak into the picture on the left – I think he is getting into the DVD’s! This is my Quickutz Silhouette Workstation. I love that machine by the way. This side also holds all my paper. I have each CTMH paper line in its own Cropper Hopper Paper holder (top shelf) and then my CTMH Cardstock and my random cardstock is filed by color with the Cropper Hopper Dividers. I bought the workshop organizer to hold my small embellishments and then the magnetic tins hold my ribbon scraps by color.

I just bought the new Clip-It-Up Organizer and I love it! I love that I am able to see all my embellishments and it is so organized. I just have to figure out how I am going to sort them. Any Ideas??

4 Responses to “My Craft Room”

  1. Dawn September 28, 2009 at 6:39 pm #

    Teresa I love the new pieces and the organizing you have done so far, what a sweetheart of a husband to suggest…a real keeper for sure.

  2. Sheila Bennett September 28, 2009 at 7:25 pm #

    Looks like a nice work room. I would love to have all those nice, big windows!

  3. sarah September 28, 2009 at 8:42 pm #

    hey there! i found your blog thru wescrap! saw that you lived in norcal too. 🙂

    great cropping space! looks like you get a lot done in your room! 🙂 i’ll def have to come back and check up on your blog.


  4. Carol September 29, 2009 at 7:08 am #

    Love your new room – it just keeps getting better! You should do it for a business!

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